Showing posts with label angularjs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angularjs. Show all posts

Angular AutoComplete

Angular AutoComplete 

Today Discuss Angular AutoComplete Typescript Search and more data finding dropdown method or autocomplete simple way angular typeahead is default one.

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported
npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported

npm install --save ngx-type-ahead

  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

<type-ahead formControlName="myControl" [suggestions]="mySuggestions"></type-ahead>


export interface TypeaheadSettings {
  /** how much should be user's typing debounced */
  typeDelay: number; // Default is `50`
  /** maximal number of visible items in dropdown. If value is 0, list will not be limited */
  suggestionsLimit: number; // Default is `10`
  /** text shown when there are no matches */
  noMatchesText: string; // Default is `No matches found`
  /** css classes for parts of type-ahead */
  tagClass: string; // Default is `btn badge badge-primary`
  tagRemoveIconClass: string; // Default is ``
  dropdownMenuClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-menu`
  dropdownMenuExpandedClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-menu show`
  dropdownMenuItemClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-item`
  dropdownToggleClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-toggle`

Angular AutoComplete

Angular AutoComplete 

Today Discuss Angular AutoComplete Typescript Search and more data finding dropdown method or autocomplete simple way angular typeahead is default one.

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported
npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported

npm install --save ngx-type-ahead

  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

<type-ahead formControlName="myControl" [suggestions]="mySuggestions"></type-ahead>


export interface TypeaheadSettings {
  /** how much should be user's typing debounced */
  typeDelay: number; // Default is `50`
  /** maximal number of visible items in dropdown. If value is 0, list will not be limited */
  suggestionsLimit: number; // Default is `10`
  /** text shown when there are no matches */
  noMatchesText: string; // Default is `No matches found`
  /** css classes for parts of type-ahead */
  tagClass: string; // Default is `btn badge badge-primary`
  tagRemoveIconClass: string; // Default is ``
  dropdownMenuClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-menu`
  dropdownMenuExpandedClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-menu show`
  dropdownMenuItemClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-item`
  dropdownToggleClass: string; // Default is `dropdown-toggle`

Angular 5 Role Permission and Role Based Access Control

Angular 5 Role Permission and Role Based Access Control

Hi Guys Today Discuss Angular 5 Role Permission and Role based Access Control Typescript Admin Dashboard various roles like guest, user, admin, superadmin page access control  based Role Permission How to implement that role permission in Angular 5 typescript let discuss today.

Angular 5 Role Permission or Access Control
Angular 5 Role Permission or Access Control


First install npm package and then install npm permission package ngx-permission

   npm i ngx-permissions


                                                        npm install ngx-permissions --save

and  then from your angular main module AppModule

mport { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import your library
import { NgxPermissionsModule } from 'ngx-permissions';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // Specify your library as an import
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

And your app component sharemodule that import in multiple other feature modules, you can export the ngxpermissionsmodule to make sure you don't have to import in every module.

    exports: [
export class SharedModule { }

and then lazy loaded modules should be add ngxpermission

when you lazy load a module, you should use the for child static method to import the ngxpermissionsmodule.

You can also  isolate the services by using permissionIsolate: true

    imports: [
export class LazyLoadedModule { }

    imports: [
        permissionsIsolate: true, 
        rolesIsolate: true})
export class LazyIsolatedLoadedModule { }

Once your library is imported, you can use its components, directives and pipes in your Angular application: Import service to the main application and load permissions

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { NgxPermissionsService } from 'ngx-permissions'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { title = 'app'; constructor(private permissionsService: NgxPermissionsService, private http: HttpClient) {} ngOnInit(): void { const perm = ["ADMIN", "EDITOR"]; this.permissionsService.loadPermissions(perm); this.http.get('url').subscribe((permissions) => { //const perm = ["ADMIN", "EDITOR"]; example of permissions this.permissionsService.loadPermissions(permissions); }) } }

template view file

<div *ngxPermissionsOnly="['ADMIN', 'GUEST']"> <div>You can see this text congrats</div> </div> <ng-template ngxPermissionsOnly="ADMIN"> <div>You can see this text congrats</div> </ng-template> <ng-template [ngxPermissionsExcept]="['JOHNY']"> <div> All will see it except JOHNY</div> </ng-template>

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported Angular 5 TypeScript npm installing facing issue.

Solve this issue you make change follows step:

npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supporte
npm ERR! Only HTTP(S) protocols are supporte

npm config set registry

npm config set registry 

you set http only after you should run its working fine.

Angular CLI 6 & Material 6 Features

Angular CLI 6 & Material 6 Features

Hai Friends November 1, 2017 Angular 5 Released TypeScript Super Set Script Angular 5 Brings some new features to the popular Javascript Framework for building mobile, desktop and web application. Now Angular cli 6 & Material 6 Features Recently NG-CONF 2018 was organized from  18th April in Salt Lake City, UT. As always this three days conference brought a lot of incredible sessions, workshops, and announcements.

Angular CLI 6 & Material 6 Features
Angular CLI 6 & Material 6 Features
NG-CONF 2018 was started with the session by brad green, misko Hevery and Kara Erickson.

Brad has Introduced 
  1. Clarity Design pattern,
  2. NgRx Library,
  3. StackBlitz
Clarity Design Pattern 

UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components working together to craft exceptional experience.

NgRx Library

NgRx is becoming popular for Reactive State Management. 
@ngrx provides a set of clean, well-tested libraries for reactive programming in Angular applications.


StackBlitz online IDE for web application powered by vscode. ReadMore

One Page Template Scrolling Script

One Page Template Scrolling Script

Hi Today discussed Bootstrap template one page template Scrollig Script url passing id and the scroll script.Follow us script.

One Page Template Scrolling Script
One Page Template Scrolling Script


<script type="text/javascript">
!function(t){"use strict";t("").bind("click",function(a){var o=t(this);t("html, body").stop().animate({scrollTop:t(o.attr("href")).offset().top-50},1250,"easeInOutExpo"),a.preventDefault()}),t("body").scrollspy({target:".navbar-fixed-top",offset:51}),t(".navbar-collapse ul li a").click(function(){t(".navbar-toggle:visible").click()}),t("#mainNav").affix({offset:{top:100}})}(jQuery);

angularjs single line json data how to display table format split \r\n

angularjs single line json data how to display table format split \r\n

Hi Today Discussed i handle one task default angularjs single line json data how to display table format split \r\n json data single line json data split \r\n first \r\n table heading <th> tag another table data  <td> followus code.

angularjs single line json data how to display table format split \r\n
angularjs single line json data how to display table format split \r\n

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="Jsondatadisplay">
    <div class="container">
        <h3>Data Details:</h3>
        <table class="table table-striped" id="myTable2">
                <th data-ng-repeat="tr in tableHeader track by $index">{{tr}}</th>
            <tr data-ng-repeat="data in tableData track by $index">
                <td data-ng-repeat="col in data track by $index">{{ col }}</td>




            var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
            app.controller('Jsondatadisplay', function ($scope, $http) {
                    .then(function (res) {
                        var dataToParse =;
                        var replaced = dataToParse.split("\r\n");
                        $scope.tableHeader = replaced[1].split(",");
                        var tempArray = [];
                        angular.forEach(replaced, function (element) {

                        delete tempArray[0];
                        delete tempArray[1];
                        $scope.tableData = tempArray;


json data very largest json data so please click github link and download file Click Here

output Click Here

Angularjs push list elements to an array

Angularjs push list elements to an array

Hi Guys Today Discussed Angularjs push list elemetns to an array view list form data push array same method used ionic framework. controller data array push element angularjs push list elements to an array follows code.

Angularjs push list elements to an array
Angularjs push list elements to an array

var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []);


app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
   $scope.submitForm = function () {

  $scope.radioValue = {};
  $scope.choicesMade = [];
  $scope.wordsPresent=['King', 'Garden', 'America', 'Sky', 'Potato', 'Germany', 'Rose', 'Whisky', 'Mumbai', 'Walk'];

  $scope.pushToArray = function(item) {
    if ($scope.choicesMade.indexOf($scope.radioValue[item]) > -1) {
      alert("already in choices");

  $scope.removeFromArray = function(item) {
    var index = $scope.choicesMade.indexOf($scope.radioValue[item].substring(1));
    if (index > -1) {
      $scope.choicesMade.splice(index, 1);  

html page

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="angularjs-starter">
  <head lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Custom Plunker</title>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
      document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');
    <script src="app.js"></script>
  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
          <div ng-repeat="item in wordsPresent">
            <b>{{ item }}</b><br>
            <label><input type="radio" name="name_{{item}}" ng-change="pushToArray(item)" ng-model="radioValue[item]" value="{{item}}"/> Yes</label>
           <label><input type="radio" name="name_{{item}}" ng-change="removeFromArray(item)" ng-model="radioValue[item]" value="_{{item}}"/> No</label>


Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

 Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

Hi Today Discussed Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu Normally Angularjs Site is very nice look and pretty site and fast loading and in build ajax and animated pretty site or application. So mouse right click customized is another pretty and security proposed and user friendly menu click so how to this task handle follows code.

Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu
Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

First You used node server or bower is identified and then install menu follows code.

npm install angular-bootstrap-contextmenu
bower install angular-bootstrap-contextmenu
Inject reference or Add a reference to contextMenu.js. In your app config add ui.bootstrap.contextMenu as a dependency module.


Your Index Page Main Controller write this code follows and then main controller behind div add

context-menu="menuOptions" this content.

AppCtrl Controller.js

$scope.menuOptions = [
    ['Select', function ($itemScope, $event, modelValue, text, $li) {
        $scope.selected = $;
Downlink Link : Click Here

Angularjs idle timeout auto go to lock screen

Angularjs idle timeout auto go to lock screen

Hi Guys Today discussed Angularjs idle timeout Auto go to lock screen Frontend developer very looks and pretty sides example 5 mins or 10 mins without mouse overing and not working auto go to lock screen and then enter password go to continue work.
Angularjs idle timeout auto go to lock screen
Angularjs idle timeout auto go to lock screen

Html Page

This Page index page Main Controller Config and this controller used full application working this function. follows code controller code.


function Appctrl($scope, $interval, $document) {
    var int = null;
    var callbacks = [];
    var idleTime = 0;
    $scope.isIdle = function() {
        return (idleTime > 0);
    angular.element($document).bind('mousemove', function(e) {
        idleTime = 0;
    function startInterval() {
        int = $interval(function() {
         idleTime += 3000;
     }, 3000);