Showing posts with label Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings. Show all posts

Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings

Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings

Hi Today Discussed Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings menas Ionic Framework Build Mobile Application Framework. Previously more discussed Ionic Framework Today Camera Take Picture image uploads and Base64 strings. This Task discussed  more details followed. 

Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings
Ionic Framework - Camera Image Uploads and Base64 Strings

First Install Image Resizer Plugin

cordova plugin add

Install the Actionsheet Plugin

cordova plugin add

Install the Camera Plugin

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera

The Code

We are using the camera plugin here, but I did not use Ionic Framework with ngCordova – Camera here for the sake of simplicity, I suspect you will get the same behavior if you are using the ngCordova – Camera module to access the camera.

getPicture: function (options) {
    var q = $q.defer(); (result) {
        // Do any magic you need
    }, function (err) {
    }, options);
    return q.promise;
},resizeImage: function (img_path) {
    var q = $q.defer();
    window.imageResizer.resizeImage(function (success_resp) {
        console.log('success, img re-size: ' + JSON.stringify(success_resp));
    }, function (fail_resp) {
        console.log('fail, img re-size: ' + JSON.stringify(fail_resp));
    }, img_path, 200, 0, {
        imageDataType: ImageResizer.IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_URL,
        resizeType: ImageResizer.RESIZE_TYPE_MIN_PIXEL,
        pixelDensity: true,
        storeImage: false,
        photoAlbum: false,
        format: 'jpg'
    return q.promise;
toBase64Image: function (img_path) {
    var q = $q.defer();
    window.imageResizer.resizeImage(function (success_resp) {
        console.log('success, img toBase64Image: ' + JSON.stringify(success_resp));
    }, function (fail_resp) {
        console.log('fail, img toBase64Image: ' + JSON.stringify(fail_resp));
    }, img_path, 1, 1, {
        imageDataType: ImageResizer.IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_URL,
        resizeType: ImageResizer.RESIZE_TYPE_FACTOR,
        format: 'jpg'
    return q.promise;

Supporting File Uploads To Parse

 *                                                      *
 * @param base64 representation of photo  *
 * @param _params.caption string to go with photo       *
savePhotoToParse: function (_params) {
    var ImageObject = Parse.Object.extend("ImageInfo");
    // create the parse file object using base64 representation of photo
    var imageFile = new Parse.File("mypic.jpg", {base64:});
    // save the parse file object
    return () {
 = null;
        // create object to hold caption and file reference
        var imageObject = new ImageObject();
        // set object properties
        imageObject.set("caption", _params.caption);
        imageObject.set("picture", imageFile);
        // save object to parse backend
    }, function (error) {
        alert("Error " + JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));