Showing posts with label Angularjs Sign In Via OAuth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angularjs Sign In Via OAuth. Show all posts

Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

 Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

Hi Today Discussed Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu Normally Angularjs Site is very nice look and pretty site and fast loading and in build ajax and animated pretty site or application. So mouse right click customized is another pretty and security proposed and user friendly menu click so how to this task handle follows code.

Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu
Angularjs Mouse Right Click Custom Menu

First You used node server or bower is identified and then install menu follows code.

npm install angular-bootstrap-contextmenu
bower install angular-bootstrap-contextmenu
Inject reference or Add a reference to contextMenu.js. In your app config add ui.bootstrap.contextMenu as a dependency module.


Your Index Page Main Controller write this code follows and then main controller behind div add

context-menu="menuOptions" this content.

AppCtrl Controller.js

$scope.menuOptions = [
    ['Select', function ($itemScope, $event, modelValue, text, $li) {
        $scope.selected = $;
Downlink Link : Click Here

Animate popover for IONIC Framework

IONIC Framework PopOver


Instantiated by the $ionicPopover service.

Animate popover
Animate popover

Animate popover Today Discussed Ionic Framework popover first discussed popover controller and method.  Be sure to call remove() function.  when you are done with each popover

Three types Popover Events
  • popover.shown
  • popover.hidden
  • popover.removed


Create a New Popover controller instance.

Param Type Details
options object An options object with the following properties:

                               {object=} scope The scope to be a child of. Default: creates a child of $rootScope.
                              {boolean=} focusFirstInput Whether to autofocus the first input of the popover when shown. Default: false.
                              {boolean=} backdropClickToClose Whether to close the popover on clicking the backdrop. Default: true.
                              {boolean=} hardwareBackButtonClose Whether the popover can be closed using the hardware back button on Android and similar devices. Default: true.


Boolean whether this popover is currently shown.


Hide this popover instance.

Popover timeout or some function hide this popover a promise which is resolved when the popover is finished animating out.


popover removed this function instance from the DOM and clean up.

Popover removed or finished animating out.

Animate popover

Popover Example code.

  <button ng-click="openPopover($event)">Open Popover</button>

<script id="my-popover.html" type="text/ng-template">
      <h1 class="title">This my Popover</h1>

angular.module('testApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('MyController', function($scope, $ionicPopover) {

  // .fromTemplate() method
  var template = '<ion-popover-view><ion-header-bar> <h1 class="title">My Popover Title</h1> </ion-header-bar> <ion-content> Hello! </ion-content></ion-popover-view>';

  $scope.popover = $ionicPopover.fromTemplate(template, {
    scope: $scope

  // .fromTemplateUrl() method
  $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('my-popover.html', {
    scope: $scope
  }).then(function(popover) {
    $scope.popover = popover;

  $scope.openPopover = function($event) {
  $scope.closePopover = function() {
  //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
  $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
  // Execute action on hide popover
  $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
    // Execute action
  // Execute action on remove popover
  $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
    // Execute action

Angularjs Sign In Via OAuth

Angularjs Sign In Via OAuth

What is OAuth ?

OAuth is a thired party access this means OAuth is a protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standred method from web, mobile and other device Applications.  As an application developer, services that provider HTTP APIs supporting OAuth, let you access parts of their services on behalf of your users. Example your websites Login Authorizations when accessing  a social media if your user gives you permission to access his account you might be able to import picture and friend list to your application.

This tutorial focuses on using OAuth to implement Sign-In through the following providers: Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. These providers use either OAuth1.0a (LinkedIn, Twitter) or OAuth2.0 (Facebook, Google+).


1.Create a new Facebook App.
2.The app will be assigned an App ID and App Secret. In the Settings panel, make sure to set the App Domains to the domain your Kinvey app is running on.

Angularjs Sign In Via OAuth
Facebook App
3.Use the App ID to load the Facebook SDK in your application. Please see Using Facebook Social Identity for more information.

  1. Create a new Google platform.
  2. Select your newly created Google platform and select APIs & auth → Credentials
  3. Under OAuth click Create new Client ID and select Web Application. Make sure to set the Authorized Redirect URIs and Authorized JavaScript Origins to the domain for your Kinvey app. Click Create Client ID when you are finished.
  4. The app will be assigned a Client ID and Client secret.
Google API
Google API
Create Client Id

Google Client id
Google Cliend id

5.Return to the data browser. Manually add the Google provider and your Google application credentials:

     "provider"        : "google",
     "consumer_key"    : "",
     "consumer_secret" : "pKT1_ONG55uHAxE2zDDSAT7"
6.The Data Browser should now contain the Google provider similar to the image below.

google json data

Same Method Linked and Twitter API Generate.

// OAuth providers.
var urlConfig = {
  // OAuth1.0a.
  requestToken: {
    linkedIn : '',
    twitter  : ''

   // OAuth1.0a and 2.0.
  authenticate: {
    google   : '',
    linkedIn : '',
    twitter  : ''

var tokenize = function(string) {
  var tokens = {};
  string.split('&').forEach(function(pair) {
    var segments = pair.split('=', 2).map(decodeURIComponent);
    if(segments[0]) {// Key must be non-empty.
      tokens[segments[0]] = segments[1];
  return tokens;
 * Logs in or creates user with provided OAuth1.0a credentials.
 * @param {Object} doc OAuth provider document.
 * @param {Object} request Kinvey request object.
 * @param {Object} response Kinvey response object.
 * @param {Object} modules Available JavaScript libraries.
var login = function(doc, request, response, modules) {
  // Validate request body.
  var provider = doc.provider;
  if(!(request.body._socialIdentity && request.body._socialIdentity[provider] && request.body._socialIdentity[provider].access_token && request.body._socialIdentity[provider].access_token_secret)) {
    response.body = {
      error       : 'IncompleteRequestBody',
      description : 'The request body is either missing or incomplete.',
      debug       : 'Missing required attributes: _socialIdentity.<provider>.[access_token, access_token_secret]'
    return response.complete(400);
  // Add consumer key and secret to request body.
  request.body._socialIdentity[provider].consumer_key    = doc.consumer_key;
  request.body._socialIdentity[provider].consumer_secret = doc.consumer_secret;
  // Forward request to the login endpoint.{
    uri: 'https://' + encodeURIComponent( + '/user/' + encodeURIComponent(request.username) + '/login',
    headers: {
      Authorization          : request.headers.authorization,// Application credentials.
      'Content-Type'         : 'application/json',
      'X-Kinvey-API-Version' : request.headers['x-kinvey-api-version']
    json: request.body
  }, function(err, res) {
    if(err) {// Request failed.
      response.body = {
        error       : 'BLInternalError',
        description : 'The Business Logic script did not complete. See debug message for details.',
        debug       : err.code
    else {// Forward response.
      response.body = res.body;
 * Obtains an OAuth1.0a request token.
 * @param {Object} doc OAuth provider document.
 * @param {Object} request Kinvey request object.
 * @param {Object} response Kinvey response object.
 * @param {Object} modules Available JavaScript libraries.
var requestOAuth1Token = function(doc, request, response, modules) {
  // Validate request body.
  var provider = doc.provider;
  if(!request.body.redirect) {
    response.body = {
      error       : 'IncompleteRequestBody',
      description : 'The request body is either missing or incomplete.',
      debug       : 'Missing required attributes: redirect'
    return response.complete(400);
  // Fire request.{
    uri: urlConfig.requestToken[provider],
    oauth: {
      callback: request.body.redirect,
      consumer_key: doc.consumer_key,
      consumer_secret: doc.consumer_secret
  }, function(err, res) {
    if(err) {// Request failed.
      response.body = {
        error       : 'BLInternalError',
        description : 'The Business Logic script did not complete. See debug message for details.',
        debug       : err.code
    else if(200 !== res.status) {// Tokens are invalid.
      response.body = {
        error       : 'InvalidCredentials',
        description : 'Invalid credentials. Please retry your request with correct credentials.',
        debug       : res.body
    else {// Tokens are valid.
      var tokens = tokenize(res.body);
      response.body = {
        url: urlConfig.authenticate[provider] + '?oauth_token=' + encodeURIComponent(tokens.oauth_token),
        oauth_token: tokens.oauth_token,
        oauth_token_secret: tokens.oauth_token_secret
 * Obtains an OAuth2 access token.
 * @param {Object} doc OAuth provider document.
 * @param {Object} request Kinvey request object.
 * @param {Object} response Kinvey response object.
 * @param {Object} modules Available JavaScript libraries.
var requestOAuth2Token = function(doc, request, response, modules) {
  // Validate request body.
  var provider = doc.provider;
  if(!request.body.redirect) {
    response.body = {
      error       : 'IncompleteRequestBody',
      description : 'The request body is either missing or incomplete.',
      debug       : 'Missing required attributes: redirect'
    return response.complete(400);
  // Build URL.
  var url = urlConfig.authenticate[provider] +
    '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(doc.consumer_key) +
    '&response_type=token' +
    '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(request.body.redirect);
  if(request.body.state) {// Append state if specified.
    url += '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(request.body.state);
  // No network request needed, return instantly.
  response.body = { url: url };
 * Verifies the OAuth1.0a request token.
 * @param {Object} doc OAuth provider document.
 * @param {Object} request Kinvey request object.
 * @param {Object} response Kinvey response object.
 * @param {Object} modules Available JavaScript libraries.
var verifyToken = function(doc, request, response, modules) {
  // Validate request body.
  var provider = doc.provider;
  if(!(request.body.oauth_token && request.body.oauth_token_secret && request.body.oauth_verifier)) {
    response.body = {
      error       : 'IncompleteRequestBody',
      description : 'The request body is either missing or incomplete.',
      debug       : 'Missing required attributes: oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, and/or oauth_verifier'
    return response.complete(400);
  // Verify request.{
    uri: urlConfig.accessToken[provider],
    oauth: {
      consumer_key: doc.consumer_key,
      consumer_secret: doc.consumer_secret,
      token: request.body.oauth_token,
      token_secret: request.body.oauth_token_secret,
      verifier: request.body.oauth_verifier
  }, function(err, res) {
    if(err) {// Request failed.
      response.body = {
        error       : 'BLInternalError',
        description : 'The Business Logic script did not complete. See debug message for details.',
        debug       : err.code
    else if(200 !== res.status) {// Tokens are invalid.
      response.body = {
        error       : 'InvalidCredentials',
        description : 'Invalid credentials. Please retry your request with correct credentials.',
        debug       : res.body
    else {// Tokens are valid.
      var tokens = tokenize(res.body);
      response.body = {
        access_token        : tokens.oauth_token,
        access_token_secret : tokens.oauth_token_secret
 * onPreSave hook. Routes OAuth related requests.
 * @param {Object} request Kinvey request object.
 * @param {Object} response Kinvey response object.
 * @param {Object} modules Available JavaScript libraries.
var onPreSave = function(request, response, modules) {
  var provider = request.params.provider;
  if(null != provider) {
    modules.collectionAccess.collection('oauth').findOne({ provider: provider }, function(err, doc) {
      if(err) {// Request failed.
        response.body = {
          error       : 'BLInternalError',
          description : 'The Business Logic script did not complete. See debug message for details.',
          debug       : err.code
      else if(null == doc) {// Provider not supported.
        response.body = {
          error       : 'FeatureUnavailable',
          description : 'This OAuth provider is not supported by this application.',
          debug       : ''
      else {// Provider found.
        // Route step.
        var step = request.params.step || 'login';
        var oauth1 = -1 !== ['linkedIn', 'twitter'].indexOf(provider);
        var oauth2 = -1 !== ['google'].indexOf(provider);
        // OAuth1.0a providers support login through this proxy.
        if(oauth1 && -1 !== ['login'].indexOf(step)) {
          login(doc, request, response, modules);
        // Request a token.
        else if(oauth1 && 'requestToken' === step) {
          requestOAuth1Token(doc, request, response, modules);
        else if(oauth2 && 'requestToken' === step) {// OAuth2.
          requestOAuth2Token(doc, request, response, modules);
        // OAuth1.0a providers require the request token to be verified.
        else if(oauth1 && 'verifyToken' === step) {
          verifyToken(doc, request, response, modules);
        // Provider/step combination not supported.
        else {
          response.body = {
            error       : 'BadRequest',
            description : 'Unable to understand request.',
            debug       : 'The provided step is not valid in combination with this provider.'
  else {
    // Patch regular save requests by embedding the `consumer_key` and
    // `consumer_secret` for OAuth1.0a providers.
    if(request.body && request.body._socialIdentity) {
      var oAuth1Provider = null;
      var socialIdentity = request.body._socialIdentity;
      if(socialIdentity.twitter && socialIdentity.twitter.access_token) {
        oAuth1Provider = 'twitter';
      else if(socialIdentity.linkedIn && socialIdentity.linkedIn.access_token) {
        oAuth1Provider = 'linkedIn';
      // Patch.
      if(null !== oAuth1Provider) {
        return modules.collectionAccess.collection('oauth').findOne({ provider: oAuth1Provider }, function(err, doc) {
          if(err) {// Request failed.
            response.body = {
              error       : 'BLInternalError',
              description : 'The Business Logic script did not complete. See debug message for details.',
              debug       : err.code
          else if(null == doc) {// Provider not supported.
            response.body = {
              error       : 'FeatureUnavailable',
              description : 'This OAuth provider is not supported by this app.',
              debug       : ''
          else {// Provider found.
            request.body._socialIdentity[oAuth1Provider].consumer_key    = doc.consumer_key;
            request.body._socialIdentity[oAuth1Provider].consumer_secret = doc.consumer_secret;
    // Regular request, continue.