Angularjs Carousel Slider

Angularjs Carousel Slider

Angularjs Carousel Slider Following step by step and example code.
angularjs carousel slider
Carousel Slider

Controller :

App.controller('AngularCarouselController', ["$scope", function($scope) {

$scope.colors = ["#fc0003", "#f70008", "#f2000d", "#ed0012", "#e80017", "#e3001c", "#de0021", "#d90026", "#d4002b", "#cf0030", "#c90036", "#c4003b", "#bf0040", "#ba0045", "#b5004a", "#b0004f", "#ab0054", "#a60059", "#a1005e", "#9c0063", "#960069", "#91006e", "#8c0073", "#870078", "#82007d", "#7d0082", "#780087", "#73008c", "#6e0091", "#690096", "#63009c", "#5e00a1", "#5900a6", "#5400ab", "#4f00b0", "#4a00b5", "#4500ba", "#4000bf", "#3b00c4", "#3600c9", "#3000cf", "#2b00d4", "#2600d9", "#2100de", "#1c00e3", "#1700e8", "#1200ed", "#0d00f2", "#0800f7", "#0300fc"];
function getSlide(target, style) {
var i = target.length;
return {
id: (i + 1),
label: 'slide #' + (i + 1),
img: '' + style + '/' + ((i + 1) % 10),
color: $scope.colors[ (i * 10) % $scope.colors.length],
odd: (i % 2 === 0)

function addSlide(target, style) {
target.push(getSlide(target, style));

$scope.carouselIndex = 3;
$scope.carouselIndex2 = 0;
$scope.carouselIndex2 = 1;
$scope.carouselIndex3 = 5;

function addSlides(target, style, qty) {
for (var i = 0; i < qty; i++) {
addSlide(target, style);

// 1st ngRepeat demo
$scope.slides = [];
addSlides($scope.slides, 'sports', 50);

// 2nd ngRepeat demo
$scope.slides2 = [];
addSlides($scope.slides2, 'sports', 10);

// 3rd ngRepeat demo
$scope.slides3 = [];
addSlides($scope.slides3, 'people', 50);

// 4th ngRepeat demo
$scope.slides6 = [];
$scope.carouselIndex6 = 0;
addSlides($scope.slides6, 'sports', 10);
$scope.addSlide = function(at) {
if (at === 'head') {
$scope.slides6.unshift(getSlide($scope.slides6, 'people'));
} else {
$scope.slides6.push(getSlide($scope.slides6, 'people'));


Angularjs Carousel Slider Dev2Tricks 5 of 5
Angularjs Carousel Slider Angularjs Carousel Slider Following step by step and example code. Carousel Slider Controller :

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